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15 Friesland Drive, Longmeadow Business Estate South Modderfontein 1644, Johannesburg


projects - consulmet

We have delivered greenfield and brownfield projects in Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe and South America for BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Anglo American, mid-tier and junior mining companies.

We have also undertaken numerous studies for projects within our commodity portfolio.

Diamonds2006AngolaCanvuri, AngolaAlluvial Diamond Recovery Plant100 Movable, Modular Skid Mounted Plant→ See More – Canvuri Diamonds

Commodity Year Client Location Project Description
Diamonds 2019 Junior Mining Project, Kimberley South Africa Junior Alluvial Mining Project – Orange River 100 Movable, Modular Skid Mounted Plant → See More – Junior Mining Project
Diamonds 2018 Lucapa Lesotho Mothae Kimberlite Processing Plant 150 tph DMS → See More – Mothae Diamond Mine
Chromite 2016 Jubilee Metals Group South Africa Hernic Tailings Treatment Project 85 Lump Sum Turnkey Project → Read about Jubilee Processing
Nickel T.B.A Munali Nickel T.B.A Munali Nickel Processing Plant 150 tph DMS → See More – Munali Nickel Plant
Diamonds T.B.A Meya Diamonds T.B.A Meya Diamond Plant 50 tph DMS → See More – Meya Diamond Plant
Diamonds 2015 Kimberley South Africa Kimberley Diamonds 40 tph DMS module
Platinum 2014 Northam Platinum South Africa Autoclave Replacement Replacement of existing autoclave
Copper 2014 Gecamines Democratic Republic of Congo Kamfundwa Copper 300 tph copper preconcentrator → Read about Kamfundwa Copper
Diamonds 2014 Kimberley Diamonds Australia E4 Ellendale Audit and assessment of decommissioned process plant.
Coal 2014 Stuart Coal South Africa Stuart Coal 450 tph coal wash plant
Copper 2013 ENRC Comide Democratic Republic of Congo ENRC Copper 300 tph copper preconcentrator
Diamonds 2013 BSG Sierra Leone Koidu Diamonds 180 tph diamond plant → Read about Koidu Diamonds
Platinum 2013 Anglo American Platinum South Africa Migration project to generate full as-built documentation for the Rustenburg Base Metal Refinery.
Diamonds 2013 Alexkor South Africa Muisvlak Refurbishment and upgrade of an existing diamond plant. → Read about Muisvlak
Mineral sands 2013 Sierra Rutile Sierra Leone Lanti Dry Mining 500 tph mineral sands plant → Read about Lanti Dry Mining
Diamonds 2013 GEM Diamonds Botswana Ghaghoo Diamond Mine – Phase 1 150 tph diamond plant
Diamonds 2013 Storm Mountain Diamonds Lesotho Kao Mine Upgrade 500 tph srubbing and screening circuit. → Read about Kao Diamonds
Diamonds 2004-12 Rio Tinto Diamonds Zimbabwe Murowa Various projects → Read about Murowa
Mineral sands 2012 Australia 600 tph in-pit slurry unit
Diamonds 2012 Zimbabwe XRT plant 100 tph bulk XRT and DMS plant → Read about XRT plant
Platinum 2012 Sylvania Platinum South Africa Tweefontein 100 tph chromite and PGM recovery plant
Diamonds 2012 Confidential Client Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 100 tph diamond plant → Read about Zimbabwe diamond Plants
Gold 2006-11 Various Africa Various Based on the Matinje design, a number of 10 to 15 tph plants were constructed between 2006 and 2011 for various confidential clients.
Diamonds 2011 Steyn Diamante South Africa Steyn Diamante 30 tph DMS module
Copper 2011 Gecamines Democratic Republic of Congo Gecamines Copper Design & construction of three crushing circuits and DMS modules
Diamonds 2011 GEM Diamonds Botswana Gope 100 tph diamond plant → Read about Gem Diamonds Ghaghoo

→ Read about Gem Diamonds Kimberlite Ghaghoo

Copper 2011 LXML (MMG) Laos Sepon Gold & Copper Copper cementation plant
Various 2011 SGS Australia Spiral and cyclone test rig 2 tph skid-mounted gravity separation test unit
Iron ore 2010 Territory Iron Australia Frances Creek Iron Ore 130 tph iron ore beneficiation plant
Coal 2010 Anglo Coal South Africa Navigation Colliery 200 tph coal wash plant
Diamonds 2010 Steyn Diamante South Africa Steyn Diamonds 150 tph DMS module → Read about Steyn Diamonds
Platinum 2010 Sylvania Resources South Africa Mooinooi Plant Expansion Design of additional ball mill circuit
Chrome 2010 Sylvania Metals/ Samancor Chrome South Africa Mooinooi HMS Plant Installation Detailed design of Crushing, Screening and HMS upgrade circuits
Coal 2002-2010 Various Russia Eight (8) fine coal processing plants.
Diamonds 2009 International Underwater Sampling Limited South Africa IUS 2,400m3/h ship-mounted diamond plant
Diamonds 2009 Rio Tinto Diamonds Zimbabwe Murowa Diamonds 200 tph crushing & screening plant → Read about Murowa Diamonds
Chrome 2009 ASA Metals South Africa Dilokong Chromite 100 tph chromite recovery plant
Diamonds 2009 Namakwa Diamonds South Africa degrit plant
Diamonds 2008 Luo Sociedade de Miniera Camatchia-Camagico Angola LUO Alluvial 220 tph alluvial diamond plant
Diamonds 2008 Luo Sociedade de Miniera Camatchia-Camagico Angola LUO Tuft 150 tph kimberlite diamond plant → Read about LUO Tuft
Diamonds 2008 Diacor cc South Africa allivial & kimberlite diamond plant
Diamonds 2008 Prismatica South Africa 200 tph diamond plant
Coal 2008 Anglo Coal South Africa Navigation West Colliery – Umlalazi Domestic Coal
Diamonds 2008 Xstrata Coal South Africa Atcom Colliery ROM Tip Repair Project
Diamonds 2008 Anglo Coal South Africa Navigation Colliery Replacement of Domestic Coal Plant
Chrome 2008 Oblique Engineering South Africa Stellite Chrome 40 tph chromite recovery plant
Diamonds 2007 BHP Billiton Angola Three 30 tph mobile diamond sampling plant
Diamonds 2007 Diamondcorp South Africa Lace Kimberlite 220 tph diamond plant → Read about Lace Kimberlite
Diamonds 2007 GEM Diamonds Australia Ellendale Final x-ray recovery module and sort house.
Diamonds 2007 Sonop Diamond Mining (Pty) Limited South Africa Delwery Two 150tph DMS modules → Read about Delwery
Coal 2007 Anglo Coal South Africa Greenside Colliery Filter plant for flotation product.
Coal 2007 Anglo Coal South Africa Kleinkopje Colliery Teetered Bed Separator Project
Gypsum 2007 BPB Gypsum South Africa Wildebeestkuil Pilot modular processing plant
Emeralds 2006 Gemfields Holdings Zambia Limited Zambia Gemfields 20 tph emerald plant
Diamonds 2006 Transhex Angola Luarica Mine 220 tph front end circuit (VGF, scrubbing and screening)
Gold 2005 National Development Corporation of Tanzania Tanzania Matinje 15 tph gold plant
Diamonds 2005 Luo Sociedade de Miniera Camatchia-Camagico Angola Various plant upgrades
Gold 2005 Goldfields South Africa Driefontein CMET15000 Pinnacle reagent plant
Coal 2004 Anglo Coal South Africa Navigation Colliery Upgrade of existing fines plant
Iron ore 2002 Kumba Resources South Africa Sishen Mine Fines treatment plant (inc. up current classifier)
Platinum 2002 Anglo American South Africa Larox discharge materials handling
Tantalite 2001 Sub Saharan Resources Mozambique Marropino Tantalite recovery plant
Coal 2001 Total Coal Holdings South Africa Dorstfontein Colliery Fine coal process upgrade.
Gold 2001 Transvaal Gold Mining Estates South Africa 20 tph pre-concentrator (DMS)
Diamonds 2001 Toscanini Diamond Mine Namibia 20 tph DMS module
Commodity Year Customer Location Project Description
Mineral sands 2015 Oresome Australia Australia Urquhart Point Feasibility study for LIMS and WHIMS concentrate upgrade plant
Gold 2014 Lion One Fiji Tuvatu Gold Feasibility study for 55 tph plant (single stage crushing, milling, intensive leach, CIL, gravity circuit, electrowinning & gold room)
Coal 2014 Kaltim Prima Coal Indonesia In-Pit Tailings Dewatering Feasibility study for new tailings dewatering technology
Iron ore 2014 Western Desert Resources Australia Roper Bar Feasibility study for 400 tph iron ore beneficiation plant
Gold & silver 2013 Scotgold Resources United Kingdom Cononish Gold-Silver Project Feasibility study for 24 tph plant (two stage crushing, milling, flotation, gravity recovery circuit & gold room)
Gold 2013 Luiri Gold Zambia Dunrobin Gold Feasibility study for 15 tph plant (three stage crushing, milling, CIL, filtration, elution circuit, SART, electrowinning & gold room)
Iron ore 2013 Apollo Minerals Gabon Kango North Scoping study for a new magnetite iron ore plant
Lead & zinc 2013 MMG Australia Dugald River Feasibility study for 500 tph lead & zince preconcentrator
Iron ore 2013 Bellzone plc Guinea Kalia 1 Bankable feasibility study for 2,000 tph iron ore beneficiation plant
Gold 2013 Gold Road Resources Australia Yamana Gold Process plant capital and operating cost inputs for 15 tph plant (milling, gravity recovery circuit, CIL, elution circuit, eletrowinning, gold room)
Diamonds 2013 Merlin Diamonds Australia Merlin Diamond Mine Pliot dredge mining study
Tungsten 2013 Vital Metals Australia Watershed Tungsten Prefeasibility study for 1 Mtpa plant
Diamonds 2012 Merlin Diamonds Australia Merlin Diamond Mine Definitive feasibility study for complete 150 tph diamond mine (open-pit and underground mine, process plant and all associated infrastructure)
Manganese 2011 Southern Hemisphere Mining Chile Los Puma Manganese Prefeasibility study for new 500 tph process plant (including coarse, fine and ultra-fine DMS circuits)
Gold 2011 Chaarat Gold Kyrgyz Republic Tulkabash Gold Definitive feasibility study for 3 to 4 ktpa process plant (crushing and screening, milling, CIL, elution circuit, electrowinning, pre-flotation, flotation, gold room)